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Dr. Ameet Kishore, Best ENT Specialist In India
Apollo Hospital ( ENT specialist in india )
Advanced ENT Services
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Home Blog Tag: Ent Doctor In Delhi

Tag: Ent Doctor In Delhi

  • Have You Ever Wondered Why You May Have A Loss of Taste and Smell with The Flu?

    Have you ever had the flu and lost your sense of taste and smell? If so, you are not the only one; it is a typical flu symptom, can be with anyone, and is very annoying.

  • Which ENT Issues Are Most Common In The Summer?

    It takes time for us to adjust to seasonal changes, and these seasonal changes can cause a variety of health issues. During the summer, there are several common ENT issues.

  • Nasal Septum Deviation: Health Issues And Treatment Options

    The nasal septum is the bone that divides the nose cavity in two. The deviated nasal septum is caused by a nasal cavity disproportion. Nasal septum deviation occurs.

  • Snoring: When Should I See An ENT Doctor?

    People frequently view snoring as a social issue since it disturbs bed partners and roommates. Snoring is not only annoying, but it also wakes up other people in the house. But snoring may be a sign of a chronic.

  • When Should You Visit Ear, Nose, And Throat Specialist?

    Ear, nose, and throat diseases are common. These organs are affected by the common cold and change of season.

  • All About Skull Base Surgery In India

    Skull Base surgery is a highly specialised surgery performed for treatment of benign as well as malignant growths/tumours that are located at the base of skull or underneath the brain or the upper area of the spinal cord. It is also beneficial for repair of congenital malfunctions and abnormalities.

  • Best ENT Specialist ForTreatment Of Acoustic Neuroma

    Acoustic neuroma or vestibular schwannoma is a tumour (non-cancerous) that develops on the eight cranial nerve that leads from your inner ear to the brain.It may occur in one or both ears.

  • Throat Infections / Sore throats

    The common reason why most of us get throat infections is because they are viral in nature. This means that if one person gets a throat infection then he transmits it to others by touching, coughing and sneezing etc. Viral throat infections can be managed easily.

  • Risks That You Need To Discuss With Your Ent Specialist In India Concerning Surgical Implants

    ENT specialists in India do more than just offer us solutions to the problem of impaired hearing. It is a good thing when one goes to an ENT specialist in India and get their hopes

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