ENT specialists diagnose and treat diseases of the ear, nose and throat. The ENT problems may require medications as well as surgeries. Various disorders related to ENT are sinus infection, ear infection, sleep apnea, and tonsillitis. These show several symptoms such as ear pain, sinus pain, hearing loss, vertigo and dizziness, and swollen lymph nodes. The patient should not ignore these symptoms and consult with the doctor.
Who Is An Ent Specialist?
ENT specialists are the doctor that is expert in diagnosing and treating various diseases related to ear, nose, and throat. They have significant training and experience in looking conditions of the larynx, sinuses, oral cavity, throat, upper respiratory tract, middle and inner ear problems, and nasal congestion.
The ENT specialists may be an ENT physician or an ENT surgeon. ENT physicians treat the diseases of the eye, ear, and nose through non-invasive therapies such as medications. When the patients do not get relief from the non-invasive methods, they may undergo surgery. ENT surgeon performs the surgery.
What Problems Ane Ent Specialist Treats?
ENT specialists treat the simple to complex diseases of the eye, ear, and throat. Some of them are:
- Tonsillitis: Tonsillitis is the inflammation of the tonsils. It may be due to bacterial infection or due to cold. The condition is common, and the doctor may prescribe medications. However, if there is severe tonsilitis, the doctor may recommend surgery to remove tonsils. This surgery is known as tonsillectomy.
- Sinus infections: The patients may also have sinus infection due to the growth of pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, in the sinus cavity. The patient with a sinus infection has a headache, runny nose, toothache, and bad breath.
- Ear infections: Ear infection may occur either due to the entrapment of pathogen inside the ear, or the growth of pathogens in the fluid accumulated in the ear due to allergy. Patient with ear infection has ear pain, drainage, and hearing loss.
- Sleep Apnea: People may have a lack of breathing while sleeping that suddenly awakes them. It is known as sleep apnea. It may be due to shorter airway, enlargement of tonsils, and obesity or overweight.
- Ruptured eardrum: The eardrum separates the ear canal and the middle ear. Rupture of the eardrum may cause hearing loss. It may also make the inner ear vulnerable to infection.
- Vocal cord paralysis: Vocal cord paralysis occurs when the nerves of the vocal cords get damaged. This result in disruption of vocal cord muscles. The person with this condition has difficulty speaking and even breathing.
- Miscellaneous: The other ENT problems include nose bleeds, nasal obstruction, vocal cord problems, and difficulty speaking.
When Should You Visit An Ent Specialist?
Do not ignore the symptoms related to the ear, nose and throat. Consult an ENT specialist if you experience the following symptoms:
- Nasal congestion and difficulty breathing: If you are suffering from chronic nasal congestion, you should visit the ENT. Chronic nasal congestion may cause trouble in breathing. You may have an allergy, deviated septum, or nasal infection.
- Hearing loss: If you have persistent hearing loss, i.e., for more than seven days, you should book an appointment with an ENT specialist. A long-term hearing problem may be a sign of damage to the hearing mechanism, and you should not ignore it.
- Sore throat: Sore throat is a common condition only when it is mild and disappear for a few days. However, if you have a severe sore throat that you cannot drink water and that persists for a considerable period, consult with ENT specialists.
- Ringing in the ears: Constant ringing sensation in the ears is known as tinnitus. It may be the initiation of hearing loss. Book an appointment with an ENT specialist if you have frequent ringing of the ears.
- Sinus pain: Sinuses are cavities present in the skull with air-filled in them. Ther are prone to various types of infection. If you experience any pain in the face, nose, and upper teeth, consult your doctor. It may be due to sinus problems.
- Balancing problems: The ear also helps in balancing while standing or moving. If you experience vertigo or dizziness, you may have an ear infection. Consult with the ENT doctor to determine the cause of your symptoms.
- Ear pain: If you have chronic ear pain, you should not ignore it and consult with the ENT doctor. Persistent ear pain may be the sign of something serious such as infection, joint disorders, or perforation in the eardrum.
- Swollen lymph nodes: Lymph nodes become swollen while fighting infections. They return to their original size within two weeks after recovery. However, if there is a persistent swelling of lymph nodes or the size of lymph nodes are getting bigger, there may be a serious underlying condition. Book an appointment with the ENT specialist.